# Wellness Wednesday

It is wellness Wednesday today, take care of yourself, stay refreshed and stress less. Your health is an investment not an expense. It’s never too earl or too late to work towards being the healthiest you. You can’t give of yourself unless you have something to give. The biggest disability is thinking you can’t do something before you’ve ever tried. Enjoy all you’ve got while it’s here and now. Stay focused , keep evolving and follow your heart. Rise above drama and negativity, love more and stress less. May you always be guided by your heart , lifted by your spirit and strengthened by your soul. Today be present in all things and thankful for all things. Make self-care a priority. When you take good care of “you”, the people in your life will get the best of you rather than what’s left of you. Eat well, move daily, hydrate often, sleep lots, love your body, repeat for life. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, you just have to take the first step and one step at a time. Here are five wellness breaks you can start to help you with self-care:

1.Take a 3-5 minute mindfulness meditation break.

2. Take a walking break 5-20 minutes you decide.

3. Take a socializing break, preferably with someone who makes you smile.

4. Take an appreciation break, write a thank you note.

5.Take a stretching break, your body will thank you.

Aim to be the absolute most best version of yourself. Forget the old you and focus on being the best new you. What most people don’t understand is the gym is therapy. Working out makes me feel good. A lot of people seem to think that the gym is only for becoming physically stronger, getting shredded or packing on muscle. This could not be further from the truth at least for me. I go to the gym because it’s truly my kind of therapy. It’s where I can stop all the thoughts rushing around my head from whatever goes on in the outside world and focus on one thing going beast mode. Pushing my mind and body to the limit makes me feel good in a way that nothing else can, insanely good. The physical benefits are a nice bonus, not gonna lie about that. But no I don’t primarily go there to simply look better, I go there to feel better. So take care of your mind, body and soul they are all that you got.

Retro Rebel Girl


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