Make Yourself a Priority


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Day 1 redo a fresh start. I haven’t been making myself a priority and I quit my health journey for a little while because of a multitude of excuses, I just wasn’t stronger than my strongest excuse, my grandma also passed away and I had a very hard time with it and I also had to have my tonsils removed i had to have a tonsillectomy  and then I got pregnant with my second child and I just wasn’t my top priority any more. Enter in self doubt, anxiety, stress, and lots of worrying about things I can’t control and things I can control but have no time for, I take that back I don’t make time for. Well little Miss Bailey Rey came into this world with a bang and fashionably late by one day.  She was also born two days before the one year anniversary of my grandmas passing. At 1 something in the morning you woke me up with bad contractions by 6 something my water broke and lost my plug and bad contractions. I thought you were gonna come out in the car on the way to Kaiser lol. We made it there though i was 6cm when they tried to check me in they rushed me to a room and i wanted an epidural but within 10 to 15 mins i went straight to 10cm and wasn’t able to get one. I tried pushing you out but every time your heart rate was dropping and they tried to turn me on my left side. First to see if that would help you out no dice so they did the right side and still in distress and dropping she asked if i wanted to try vacuum or straight emergency c section i opted to get you out asap. They took me out put me under because i had no spinal tap and by 9:14 am you were here to complete our party of four. The main reason we needed to emergency evacuate you was you were stuck side ways. Brianna and you both getting stuck. But I love you and your sister so very much and would do it all over again to have both of you. I thought that was the end of my hospital journey, boy was I wrong a few days after I was home I ended up almost blacking out and in tons of pain went back to the hospital ended up staying 3 more days with an infection and I thought I was ok after I was released and all in the span of two weeks I ended up in the ER 3 more times with really bad anxiety/panic attacks. There is a lot more to all this but this is all I feel like sharing about what lead me to my new mind, body and soul adventure.

So with all of that I must start with scheduling some me time/self care time. To help my self become better mentally, emotionally and physically. Self care is not selfish, self care is necessary to keep your body and your soul alive and well. Self care is more than taking care of your body, it’s taking care of your mind, your emotions and every part of yourself. Taking time to nurture yourself is critical for your well-being, and it’s hard to take care of others close to you if you do not first care for yourself. Taking care of yourself is not a sign of weakness, but a sign that you have the inner-strength to give your body what it needs to feel nourished, loved and cared for. I have been researching ways to do some self care and I saw something on pintrest that said starting to write in a journal can help with anxiety so I have decided that I am restarting my blog also so I can start my own journal. So its time for me to take care of myself as well as my little family, I also started planning in my happy planner again to help with my ocd and anxiety routine also helps with me feeling more in control of myself. I have five planners one for my soul, one for my mind wellness, my exercise/health, our budget and lastly my blog. I know that sounds a little excessive and I know your thinking won’t that give you more anxiety trying to keep track of it all? Well I did a little Frankenstein planning i my planner and stuck all five into one and only put 3 months in each section to keep track of. The beauty of the happy planner is the pages are removable and interchangeable so I can remove old months and put new months in. Planning in my planner is one way I can have me time I love to craft, art and planning and I can do all of that in one in my planner. 

That’s all I got for today until next time,

Retro Rebel Girl

  anxiety coping skills for kids #kidanxietysymptoms



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