Day 27

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Today is Tuesday February 6th, it is day 27 of my crazy fitness adventure and the struggle is real today. Like I said yesterday, last nights gym experience was not a good one for me. It was extremely packed at the gym and I got anxiety with to many people there and had to leave after only being there for 20 minutes. That brings us to this morning I woke up with intentions to go to the gym for a morning workout and then it didn’t happen I made up tons of excuses as to why I shouldn’t go to the gym to workout. My anxiety had set in hard. Then the hubby gave me a pep talk and I also gave myself a pep talk. I talked myself into going and I ended up working out for 1 & 1/2 hours. I am so glad I went and so proud I pushed through and went and killed my workout. I worked on legs today. I ran on the treadmill for 15 minutes, then the life cycle bike for 13 minutes. Then off to the hip abduction machine at 90 lbs for 10 sets x 10 reps. Then to the hip adduction machine for 90 lbs 10 sets x 10 reps. Then off to seated leg curls at 70 lbs 5 sets x 10 reps. Then I did some leg extensions at 40 lbs 5 sets x 8 reps. Lastly I ended it with 5 mins on the stair master and my thighs and calves were burning. I was going to do a little bit more but it was quitting time. I was proud I made it through an hour and a half.

Don’t stop until you’re insanely fucking proud of yourself. Whatever you are doing, whatever you are working hard and training hard to accomplish.. Don’t stop doing it until you are REALLY proud of yourself and what you’ve accomplished. Your hard work in the gym will pay off. Don’t stop. Just keep going. If you ever doubt yourself or feel that things are tough.. Remember one thing: Your hard work in the gym WILL pay off. No doubt about that. So don’t stop. Just keep going until you get to where you want to be! I don’t stop until my muscles burn. You just don’t stop training when it gets tough. You keep on going until your muscles are on fire and burning up! Go in the gym and go hardcore on those weights! Be your own hero. Work hard, train insane and make yourself proud. In the end, it comes down to this. We all have to work incredibly hard and train even harder and do things we thought was impossible in order to be proud of ourselves. Get busy right now – push yourself to the limit – and be your own hero. Get in the gym, push yourself to the limit and make yourself proud. It’s so important to make yourself proud. In life and in the gym. To train hard, to push yourself to the limit and to really be proud of all the time and energy you put into your workouts. So get in the gym, give it all you’ve got until you are proud of yourself! I am my own cheerleader, motivator, hero, and inspiration. I do it because making myself proud is one of the best feelings in the world. I train hard and I go through all the hard work and pain because I  know how good I´ll feel when I accomplish my dreams. I know that being proud of myself and what I’ve accomplished is one of the best feelings ever. I am a beautifully broken bad ass rebuilding myself one day at a time. I am becoming a healthier and better me. Today’s reason to workout was the proud feeling I get after finishing a hard workout without giving up. Shout out to all the girls working on loving their bodies because that shit’s hard and i’m proud of you. Don’t wait until you reach your goal to be prod of yourself. Be proud of each step you take toward reaching your goal. I am so very proud of myself for getting through the past two days and working on myself inside and out. Here are some progress selfies:


This next one is the face of someone who killed their workout lol


Be proud of yourself, be proud of your flaws, be proud of what makes you YOU. Be proud of all your hard work, it will pay off.

-Retro Rebel Girl

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